091030 - The Frequency
Set list, practice notes and show info for Oct. 30 2009 at The Frequency in Madison with Mad Trucker Gone Mad
Practice Oct. 28, 2009
Practice Oct. 28, 2009
Practicing for the Mad Trucker CD Release Show. Cliff is on vacation and Chris Boeger is filling in for him. Mark was still having problems with his hand will be playing keyboards again for this show as he did on Oct. 22, 2009 at the High Noon.
Members involved
Tom Ray
Mark Whitcomb
Scott Beardsley
Bryan Elliott
Eric Bruzewitz
Chris Boeger
Set List and Notes
Set List and Notes
- I'm Doing Fine - vamp on one line in the beginning until the vocals start
- cool and red - Mark play hits on middle parts with Bryan, Chris play quieter on last verse
- after all that's happened - Mark distorted pedal on keys
- Fervor
- Downtown - Eric add accents on the guitar
- Make it clean
- voomp-boomp
- Drinkin' by myself
- Went your way - vamp on first part until vocals start no changes
- I've got the next round - bryan and mark play solo together
- Indian summer
- feed the the one - Chris needs to check song for notes on changes
- hot water avalanche
- /* -- all I want --*/ - Decided against playing this song as no one could remember the chords and we kept confusing it with "Got The Next Round" for some reason :)
Show - The Frequency Fri. Oct. 30, 2009
Show - The Frequency Fri. Oct. 30, 2009
Chris Boeger found out the day of the show that he had another show that night at the High Noon Saloon at 11:30 that he thought was the next day. So we switched to the opening band for the night at 10pm.Mad Trucker Gone Mad CD Release Party!Mad Trucker Gone MadThe Rebuilts
Lorenzo's Music